The Information Management Department currently has 16 full-time faculty members whose major research directions are construction information technology, city safety information management, e-commerce and complex system decision-making and optimization. It has almost 10 labs including virtual reality lab, internet of things lab, and Autodesk innovation center, etc. They offer students and faculty a good environment for practice and research through industry-university-research cooperation study base and practice platform such as innovation group.

    In recent years, the faculty members have published more than 70 papers in related domestic and overseas core academic journals such as IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Part C,Decision Support Systems, European Journal of Operations Research, Omega, Annals of Operations Research, Computers & Operations Research, Energy Policy, Journal of Software and Journal of Management. They have won many awards including Shanghai Award for Scientific and Technological Advancement and enjoy prestige in many industries including municipal administration, construction, management science, energy and environment management, etc.