SILC earns AACSB accreditation

发布日期:  2020-02-14     作者: 周羽      点击:[]

SILC received a piece of great news during the critical period of national combat against novel corona virus. Today Dean Lyu Kangjuan received an AACSB official announcement that SILC has earned AACSB accreditation after ratification by the IAC and Board of Directors. The initial accreditation will be effective for five years. This marks the enormous strides SILC has made in teaching, research, and social service and another big step toward becoming a globally-recognized business school. SILC is the first undergraduate program level Sino-foreign cooperative school in China that has earned AACSB accreditation. Shanghai University becomes the first 211 university sponsored by local municipal government that has earned AACSB accreditation.

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